Cannot understand error message

Bill Davy Bill at
Thu Feb 14 04:56:20 EST 2008

"Chris" <cwitts at> wrote in message 
news:c50a4f58-5363-45ba-a5d4-e29cd53ded76 at
> It doesn't like all that text in the previous one...
> Just before s = '' you have 4 double quotes to close to doc-string
> instead of 3.


I had put in the s = '' to see if I could force IDLE to say something more, 
and perhaps if I had put in "" I would have done better.

Apologies to anyone who imagined I expected them to read 500 lines of my 
novice Python.

Interesting that some colourers work better than others.  It must be quite a 

IDLE did not offer a full traceback just a pop-up.  If it had, I would 
either have soved the problem or posted it.  I'm not afraid of long (boring) 

Many thanks for the help.  Must get a bigger screen and new eyes.


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