Smart Debugger (Python)

Norm Matloff matloff at
Sun Feb 3 15:55:44 EST 2008

I have something of an obsession with debuggers, so I was glad to see
this posting.  While we're on the subject, I might as well add my own
small contribution, which I call Xpdb.

Xpdb is available at 
Quoting from the beginning of that page:

   I tend to use GUI debugging tools with Python, but often find that
   PDB is adequate or even superior. It loads instantly, doesn't take up
   much real estate on the screen, and its ability to set up aliases/macros 
   is very valuable. (Note too Rocky Bernstein's new PYDB, at

   However, I missed having a window that displays my source code and my
   current position in it, so I added such a window to PDB, using
   curses, somewhat analogously to the CGDB variant of GDB (and the -tui
   option in GDB). The result, Xpdb, is available at  It is
   nothing fancy at all, mainly just a source window capability added 
   to PDB (though with a couple of extra new features).  

Norm Matloff

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