psycopg2: connect copy_from and copy_to

Thomas Guettler hv at
Tue Feb 19 10:06:54 EST 2008


I want to copy data from a production database to
a testing database. Up to now I used psycopg2 and
copy_from and copy_to with two cursors and a temporary file.

This works, but it would be better, if the data
gets piped from one cursor to the next without a temporary

The psycopg2 methods look like this:
copy_to(fd, table)   # read data
copy_from(fd, table) # write data

Using select (wait until fd has data) does not work, since
I pass in the fd. If copy_to would return the file descriptor,
I could use it to pass the data to copy_from.

I found no way to connect them. Maybe it could be done
with threading, but I try to avoid threads.

Since the script will run only on Unix, I could use pipes. But
this would fail, too, since copy_to() would block before I can
call copy_from (since buffer is full and no one is reading the data
from the pipe).

Any suggestions?


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