
Nabla Kvadrat nabla.kvadrat at
Thu Dec 11 00:55:16 EST 2008

Hi, can someone please help me with/explain if following problem can
be somehow resolved?

I have Py2.6.1 win32 and I'm playing around with multiprocessing
module. Trying examples here: Example
with SimpleHTTPServer.HttpServer don't work because of socket.fromfd
in multiprocessing.reduction. If number of processes is >1 it ends
with traceback ....... pickle.: 'module' object has no attribute
As I understand socket.fromfd on windows is not implemented (?), so
why the example script is care about platform
if sys.platform == 'win32':
    import multiprocessing.reduction
and finally, is there some easy (no patching and recompiling python
from source) way to get this example to work on win32 platform?
Thanks for any help, I'm Python amateur...

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