Checking a string against multiple matches

Jerry Hill malaclypse2 at
Mon Dec 1 15:53:23 EST 2008

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Aaron Scott <aaron.hildebrandt at> wrote:
> Damn you, Python, and your loose documentation! It never occurred to
> me to actually TRY my pseudocode, since I couldn't find anything on
> that type of statement. Anyway, feel free to ignore me from now on.

I'm not sure where you think the "in" operator should be documented.
It's in the documentation for sequence types:

The tutorial points there too, in its discussion of strings.

It's also in the language reference, in the section on comparision operators:

Was there someplace you were looking that you expected to find
something about the containment operator and couldn't find it?  Maybe
it would be worth adding a "See Also" someplace?


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