Location HTTP Header

ptn tn.pablo at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 17:52:42 EST 2008

Hi all.

I tried this stupid script on my server:

	#! /usr/bin/env python

	print 'Location: http://www.google.com\n'

and it didn't work, I get a blank page.  I first tried the Location
header in another script, and when execution got to that point, it
just sort of ignore it, because the script would keep running to the
of the code (or stop at some unhandled exception).

I ran chmod 755 script.cgi and the cgi script is at the correct
directory, but still nothing.  I think it might be an error from the
server (the old PythonWeb.org webserver), maybe it doesn't support
Location?  Is that even possible?  Or maybe there's some setup I
to do?

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot.

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