stable algorithm with complexity O(n)

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Sat Dec 13 16:24:09 EST 2008

Aaron Brady <castironpi at> wrote:

><rhetorical>So, what's the group policy on helping with homework?  </
> rhetorical>

In my book anyone who is dumb enough to ask for homework help on a 
newsgroup and doesn't acknowledge that when they hand in their answer 
deserves whatever they get. Oh, and of course there are 2 deliberate error 
in the 'solution' I posted so they're not going to get full marks if they 
simply reuse it. (If there are more than 2 errors then at least one of them 
is not deliberate.)

That's assuming the teacher is savvy enough to keep an eye on the obvious 
sources for quick answers.

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