Running a Python script from crontab

Astley Le Jasper Astley.lejasper at
Tue Dec 2 09:35:58 EST 2008

I need help ... I've been looking at this every evening for over a
week now. I'd like to see my kids again!

I have script that runs fine in the terminal but when I try to run it
in a crontab for either myself or root, it bails out.

The trouble is that obviously I get no console when using crontab so
can't see any traceback. I use logging which shows 'info' messages as
the script is working, but no error messages. I've peppered it with
debug messages to try to track it down to a line, but it stops it the
middle of appending data to a list. I'd expect it to bail out when
calling a module or reading/writing to a different file.

Is there any way of getting more info from the app, like popping up a
console while its running?

my crontab is:

30 15 * * * cd /home/myusername/src && python


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