Pyhon (with wxPython) on Windows' cygwin: can it be done fully ?

Fernando H. Sanches fernandohsanches at
Mon Dec 1 12:25:27 EST 2008

At first I also disliked print's new syntax, but later I realised it
could be useful.

However, I agree that the parentheses are annoying. Not because of the
parens theirselves, but because of the Shift key.

Why programmers stilll can't have special keyboards with parens keys
that doesn't need pressing "shift"? Isn't time C programmers have  a
"&" key and perl programmers a $ one? And why the heck we need shift
for "(" and not for "[" or "{", since the first one is much more used
(even outside programming)?

Really, we don't need to change our syntax, we need to change our
keyboards. We are so blinded by tradition that we are losing

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