Guido's new method definition idea

News123 news123 at
Sun Dec 7 06:57:27 EST 2008

Lie wrote:
> On Dec 7, 1:02 am, News123 <news... at> wrote:
>> What would be interesting would be some syntactical sugar to get rid of
>> the 'self' (at least in the code body).
>> example:
>> class C:
>>     class_elements a,b,c,d
>>     def method(self,arg):
>>         global d
>>         a,b,c = arg[0..3]
>>         d = a + b
>>         self.e = a + d
> Nah, that would make it not explicit. Explicit here also means that to
> refer to self's a, we need to explicitly refer to self.

Well being explicit when trying to suggest an implicit syntax (in order
to reduce typing) is a little difficult ;-)

Though you're right my main goal is not being implicit but would be
reducing typing and have shorter source code lines.

If 'global '<varname>' is accepted inside a def, then moving
'class_elements <varnames>' inside the def could be acceptable as well
though it would requiere, that this statement is repeated per def



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