Multiple Versions of Python on Windows XP

Colin J. Williams cjw at
Wed Dec 3 11:51:04 EST 2008

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>>>> What changes are made to the registry?
>>> For a complete list, see Tools/msi/ in the source tree.
>> I have scanned the file:
>> I don't find anything that addresses this issue.
> Read the add_registry function. You may need to first understand
> how the Registry table in an MSI file works.
>> I am seeking some mechanism such that any of Python 2.5, Python 2.6 or
>> Python 2.6 can be chosen as the currently active version.
> If Glenn Lindermann's answer doesn't help, you need to explain:
> what is a "currently active version"? How is one Python version
> more active than any other?
>> I was hoping that there is some simpler way than the "Repair" procedure.
> See Glenn Lindermann's answer.
>>> It would be good to be more specific with such statements: what troubles
>>> specifically? If I play dumb, I'd say "of course - windows explorer
>>> doesn't support editing Python files; you need a text editor".
>> Yes, I should have been clearer.  The PyScripter application locks up
>> and must be killed, using the Task Manager.
> I think you need to report that to the PyScripter authors as a bug.
> I can't imagine how the "currently active version" can affect what
> PyScripter does.
> Regards,
> Martin


Many thanks for your responses.  Yes,
Glen Lindermann's suggestion seems to
meet the need.

It's been a while since I've looked at
DOS and I didn't remember fType or assoc.

Michel Claveau suggests VirtualBox, this
seems a big hammer to kill
this particular fly.

It's interesting that each install sets
up a Python.File variable in the registry.

It's a pity that this can't be used to 
achieve this more simply.

Best wishes,

Colin W.

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