Are Django/Turbogears too specific?

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Tue Dec 23 04:03:36 EST 2008

Daniel Fetchinson a écrit :
> The 1.x branch of tg is built on cherrypy, the 2.x branch is built on
> pylons. Both branches depend on external packages for most of their
> functionality which makes them very flexible. Django is monolithic 

Except that
1/ you can use each component (request handler/dispatcher, templating 
system and ORM) standalone, and
2/ you can use any other ORM or templating system.

> and was intended to be monolithic.

"highly integrated" would be more accurate than "monolithic" IMHO.

> Of course you can customize it and use
> different components than the defaults, but after all *everything* is
> customizable since the source code is there and you can modify it.

You don't need to touch the source to swap ORM or templating system.

> The
> point is that tg was designed with flexibility and customizability in
> mind, while django was designed with a monolithic infrastructure in
> mind.


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