Why %e not in time.strftime directives?

Tim Chase python.list at tim.thechases.com
Sun Dec 14 14:34:24 EST 2008

>>> Any special reasons?
>> Because it is there (at least on my Debian box)?
> But not on windows :(
>>>> import time
>>>> time.strftime("%e")
> ''

Guess you'll have to take it up with the authors of strftime() at 
Microsoft :)

>>  The full set of format codes supported varies across
>>  platforms, because Python calls the platform C library's
>>  strftime() function, and platform variations are common.
>> So if your underlying C implementation of strftime() supports "%e", then
>> Python will.  My guess is that the same applies to time.strftime as it does
>> to datetime.strftime
>> The docs list ones that are fairly cross-platform.  However, it would seem
>> that not all platforms support "%e"

If you don't have any luck convincing Microsoft to add "%e" to 
their strftime implementation, you can use


to replicate the desired behavior :)


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