"as" keyword woes

Carl Banks pavlovevidence at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 15:32:08 EST 2008

On Dec 4, 3:44 am, James Stroud <jstr... at mbi.ucla.edu> wrote:
> You probably aren't a developer for the cPython implementation, but, if
> you were, I'd recommend taking rants like Warren's to heart because they
> are born of honest frustration and practical concern. Hopefully
> developers for python 2.7 are listening and won't break backward
> compatibility just because the "Zen of Python" suggests it might be a
> good idea.

I think they should.  Python didn't get to where it is by being bogged
down with obsolesence.  It has grown and grown in popularity in spite
of (and, I would say, in part because of) a history of backward-
incompatible changes with every major release.

It's not like Python has ignored the users; it's been very careful and
considerate when making backwards-incompatible change.  This change
was planned for eight freaking years.

Carl Banks

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