operators as variables

News123 news123 at free.fr
Sat Dec 6 17:08:08 EST 2008

Terry Reedy wrote:
> macc_200 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> just starting programming and have an elementary question after
>> playing around with lists but cannot find the answer with googling.
>> I have a list of variables and I would like some of those variables to
>> be integers and some to be operators so the list would look something
>> like [5 * 4 - 4 + 6] and then be able to evaluate the result (i.e. get
>> 10).  How do you make the interpreter see the operator as that instead
>> of a string and just echo the list back to me.

Without sanity checking following would work:

a= [ '1' , '+' , '3' ]
txt= ' '.join(a)
rslt = eval(txt)



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