"as" keyword woes

Chris Mellon arkanes at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 13:23:24 EST 2008

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 6:39 AM, Paul Boddie <paul at boddie.org.uk> wrote:
> On 9 Des, 05:52, alex23 <wuwe... at gmail.com> wrote:
>> From my perspective, it was less the original complaint and more the
>> sudden jump to "CPython is dead! The GIL sucks! Academic eggheads!"
>> that prompted the comparisons to trolling.
> To be fair to the complainant, before mentioning the GIL, he did
> initially get the usual trite fragments of the Zen of Python right
> back at him ("simple is better than complex", "special cases aren't
> special enough to break the rules"), albeit not the whole thing in its
> overused, unabridged form. I think I'd go on a rant if presented with
> that rather than the accepted reason for the noted shortcomings of the
> language: CPython's parsing technology isn't "sufficiently powerful
> parser technology" as GvR himself says [1].
> Paul

So hold up a second. I'm out of line for calling someone on making a
trollish post that's not relevant to the topic, and for being pretty
late to the party even with the part that *was* on topic, and for
(even in the original post) going the ad-hominem route by not so
subtly implying that Python is an ivory tower language that's not good
enough for people with real problems - a clearly false statement by
any standards, and doubly offensive from someone who *is* using it for
real problems and who himself is a less than shining example of
responsible software management, but the OPs lapse into ranting in
response to trite but accurate answers to a question he could have
answered for himself, in detail, had he bothered to read the threads
from the time when the issue actually matter is a reasonable response
that we should support and validate?

Sometimes you're not  a crusader for thinking differently and change
by confrontation and speaking truth to power. Sometimes you're just an

For clarification: The OPs original complaint is legitimate, if dated
and partially his own fault. His phrasing of the problem, the tone and
content of his email, and his lapse into flaming when he wasn't
immediately hailed as a herald of sanity is not legitimate.

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