[SQL] Right way to set a variable to NULL?

Martin martin at marcher.name
Fri Dec 26 15:42:34 EST 2008


I'd create a simple wrapper object

class MailAddress(object):
  def __init__(self, address=None):
    self.address = address
  def __str__(self):
    if address:
      return self.adress
    return "NULL"

you can keep most of your code just replace the original instantiation
of the mail str-instance with the MailAddress

This is just scratched up quickly. Hope it helps


2008/12/26 Gilles Ganault <nospam at nospam.com>:
>        sql = 'INSERT INTO mytable  (name,address,web,mail) VALUES
> ("%s","%s","%s","%s","%s")' % (name,address,web,mail)
> =======
> Is there a better way in Python to have a variable match NULL than
> building the SQL query step by step?
> Thank you.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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