easy_install of module produces un-importable result

Diez B. Roggisch deets at nospam.web.de
Mon Dec 8 14:57:31 EST 2008

Val schrieb:
> I've written my first module, "
" and uploaded it as an egg to
> PyPI. I can use easy_istall to install my own module, but when I try
> to import it I get an ImportError "No module named gpsparser".
> So I've done some research and found that in my site-packages/
> directory gpsparser exists as an egg file, while all the other
> packages I've installed exist as an egg directory.
> If this makes any sense, can anyone explain what I've done wrong in
> building my package that the installation process does not unpack the
> egg file?

This has nothing to do with that - it's simply that your egg is empty. 
Take a look at this:

(gpsparser)mac-dir:Application Support deets$ unzip -l 
   Length     Date   Time    Name
  --------    ----   ----    ----
         1  12-08-08 12:04   EGG-INFO/dependency_links.txt
       249  12-08-08 12:04   EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO
       599  12-08-08 12:04   EGG-INFO/SOURCES.txt
         1  12-08-08 12:04   EGG-INFO/top_level.txt
         1  12-08-08 11:25   EGG-INFO/zip-safe
  --------                   -------
       851                   5 files
(gpsparser)mac-dir:Application Support deets$

I presume you miss a


line in your setup.py, with

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

to actually get the find_packages.


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