Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

Stef Mientki stef.mientki at
Thu Dec 11 13:12:32 EST 2008

Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 05:40:45 +0000 Paul Rudin <paul.nospam at>
> wrote:
>> "Dotan Cohen" <dotancohen at> writes:
>>> 2008/12/10  <w_a_x_man at>:
>>>> Ruby:
>>>> def norm a
>>>>  s = Math.sqrt({|x|x*x}.inject{|x,y|x+y})
>>>>{|x| x/s}
>>>> end
>>> If someone doesn't counter with a Python one-liner then I'm going to
>>> port that to brainfuck.
>> from numpy.linalg import norm
>> :)
> This is one line of Python code alright, but it's not a "one-liner" in
> the "computes the a normalized vector"-sense (which was the original
> challenge, if there ever was one).
> If anything, you are now ready to compute the *norm* of a vector in a
> subseqent line. (Or, if you must, after a semicolon on the same line.)
Couldn't we assume that when you doing these kinds of math, there's always
import numpy
from numpy import *

is always at the start of the program, so it doesn't belong to the 
functional code ?

And for those who use VPython (and thus needs " from visual import *" )
can simply do
  a = norm ( v )


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