time.sleep() and Tkinter after()?

Davy zhushenli at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 22:20:33 EST 2008

Hi all,

I have used Tkinter after() to do loop update GUI in my previous post.
See http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/6b616abc236c345b/7df7684d33c969c5#7df7684d33c969c5

And I tried to change after() to time.sleep(), but it seems doesn't
work at all, the Queue send and receive data properly, but the GUI
didn't even appear?

//-----code changed-----
def draw_canvas_loop(canvas_b):
    while (True):
        board = data_queue.get(block = True, timeout=2)
        print 'get', data_queue.qsize()
        draw_canvas(board, canvas_b, x, y, block_width, block_height)
    ##canvas_b.after(300, lambda:draw_canvas_loop(canvas_b))

So, can I use time.sleep() in GUI application? Or Tkinter scheduler
just ignore the sleep() function?

And if I use after(), will the code form a recursive function call,
and the memory usage will boost as the program goes (I have watched
the task manager in WinXP and find the python.exe eat more and more
def draw_canvas_loop(canvas_b):
    board = data_queue.get(block = True, timeout=1)
    print 'get', data_queue.qsize()
    draw_canvas(board, canvas_b, x, y, block_width, block_height)
    canvas_b.after(300, lambda:draw_canvas_loop(canvas_b))

Best regards,

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