psycopg2 and large queries

Laszlo Nagy gandalf at
Thu Dec 18 16:28:23 EST 2008

> Well, there are plenty of PostgreSQL modules around these days, and
> even if pyPgSQL isn't suitable, I'm sure that there must be one which
> can be made to work on Windows and to support server-side cursors. See
> here for more:
I'm just looking for something that can replace psycopg2, because of the 
bug mentioned in my original post. Here are my options:

- psycopg1: development stalled
- psycopg2: memory bug and/or not db api compilant (see my original post)
- pyPgSQL: looks like that the last release was in mid 2006 (and it 
depends on mxDateTime -> licensing problems)
- mxODBC: commercial
- PyGresSQL: apparently, it does not support fetching one row, only 
fetching all rows (see:, 
so this is not an option. (Yes, it also has a db api compilant module, 
but it is only a wrapper around pgqueryobject, and it does not support 
server side cursors...)

So there are many options, but do we have one that:

1. supports server side cursors (fetch some rows after opening the 
query, but not all of them)
2. open source, with no licensing problems
3. actively maintained



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