Python in C

skip at skip at
Tue Dec 30 07:10:22 EST 2008

    aki> Although this is not what you are asking but I'm wondering why you
    aki> need to read CPython implementation.

A couple reasons come to mind:

    * education 
    * want to make it better (extend it, fix bugs, etc)
    * want to see how it relates to the implementation of other languages
      (Ruby, Perl, Tcl, etc)

    aki> CPython worked great for me. I don't want to read a large piece of
    aki> software, like CPython, unless it is really really necessary.

Sure, but not everyone works at the Python layer.  Which is a good thing,
because if everyone confined themselves to Python code nobody would fix
problems in the language implementation or enhance it.

Skip Montanaro - skip at -

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