Help counting the total number of dictionaries inside a list that contain a specified key value

John Machin sjmachin at
Tue Aug 12 07:50:26 EDT 2008

On Aug 12, 9:09 pm, "Jon Bowlas" <m... at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have the following list containing dictionaries and I would like to
> be able to count the total number of dictionaries I have that contain
> a certain value set for the 'level' key:
> For example I'd like to kow how many dictionaries there are with a
> level 1, 2 , 23 & 3 etc. How would one go about achieveing this?

   thelist = [etc etc etc]

q = set(['1']); print q, sum(d.get('level') in q for d in thelist)
q = set(['23']); print q, sum(d.get('level') in q for d in thelist)
q = set(['2', '23']); print q, sum(d.get('level') in q for d in

set(['1']) 1
set(['23']) 3
set(['2', '23']) 7

Is that what you wanted? If you are sure that each dict will have a
'level' key, you can use d['level'] instead of d.get('level').


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