Hi, Pythoners.

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Wed Aug 13 17:02:56 EDT 2008

AON LAZIO wrote:
> I have come across this code and I tried to figure out what does it do
> First, I do not understand the sign @... above the class method, what 
> does it do?
> Second, about the object in AnyWrapper(object), why do they declare 
> "object" as the superclass?
> sometimes I saw (type) what the differences between "object" and "type"?

Object is the base class.  Type is the base metaclass.  Reread the class 
statement doc.  @statements are decorators.  I believe they are 
documented along with function statements, though in 3.0 they apply to 
classes also.
> from ib.lib.overloading import overloaded
> class AnyWrapper(object):
>     @overloaded
>     def error(self, e):
>         raise NotImplementedError()
>     @error.register(object, str)
>     def error_0(self, strval):
>         raise NotImplementedError()
> Thanks in advance
> Aonlazio
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