Getting references to obect instances into a list

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Wed Aug 27 11:30:23 EDT 2008

parent.eric.3 at a écrit :
> Hi,
> I would like to get the references to objets to put in a huge data
> structure (like a list or a heap for example). My objective is to use
> as less memory as possible as I have to manage huge amount of entries
> in my data structure and need to use the same elsewhere.
> If I were coding in C++, it would be natural to do so but as I am a
> newby to Python, I don't know yet how to achieve that.
> Can anyone help me with that?

Easily : in Python, you only have objects references.

 >>> class Foo(object):
...     def __init__(self, bar):
... = bar
 >>> foo = Foo(42)
 >>> baaz = foo
 >>> blist = [foo, baaz]
 >>> foo is baaz
 >>> blist[0] is blist[1]
 >>> blist[0] is foo
 >>> blist[0] is baaz
 >>> = "yadda"
 >>> [ for o in blist]
['yadda', 'yadda']

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