looking for IDE advice or workflow tips

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Aug 4 23:46:31 EDT 2008

kpierce8 at gmail.com wrote:
> I'm a novice developer at best and often work with the R statistical

> How does one check small blocks of code without typing them each time,
> running an entire script (with other code) or creating a small script
> for every code block?
> For example say lines 1-100 work fine and now I'm working on lines
> 101-105. Should I create a small script with just those lines?

I use IDLE currently, but others like more sophisticated editors.
But even IDLE will comment and uncomment a selected block.
Or indent or dedent such a block.

I sometimes cut and paste within the shell window or between an editor 
window and the shell.

If lines 1-100 run in under three seconds and have no system effects, I 
don't worry about rerunning them.  It won't hurt the CPU;-).  If the 
file consists of nearly all function definitions, or classes with defs, 
under a second is more like it.  Put one or more uncommented test calls 
for the function being worked on at the bottom and run. and edit.  and 
run again.


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