Problem obtaining an object reference...

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Thu Aug 7 15:36:15 EDT 2008

SamG wrote:
> I have two windowing classes A and B.
> Inside A's constructor i created an instance B to display its Modal
> window. Only on clicking OK/ Closing this modal window do i proceed to
> display the A's window.
> All that is fine. Now the problem is i would like to write a python
> script to test the this GUI app simulating all the events that make
> A's window work through my script. No the problem is to get past my
> B's window. Which i'm unable to do since the A's instance would any be
> created completely if i click OK/Close button on the B's window. Im
> unable to simulate that event since i have little idea about how to
> get the object reference to B's window? Here is a sample of the code.

How about

> class Awindow:
> 	def __init__(self):
> 		<doing something>
> 		<doing something>
> 		self.showBwindow()
> 	def showBwindow(self):
> 		dialog = Bwindow()
                 if __debug__: self.dialog = dialog
> 		dialog.ShowModal()
                 if __debug__: del self.dialog
> 		dialog.Destroy()

 From the assert statement doc (3.0, but unchanged):

These equivalences assume that __debug__ and AssertionError refer to the 
built-in variables with those names. In the current implementation, the 
built-in variable __debug__ is True under normal circumstances, False 
when optimization is requested (command line option -O). The current 
code generator emits no code for an assert statement when optimization 
is requested at compile time.

I believe the last applies to all 'if __debug__: <suite>' statements, so 
you can have them not compiled if you wish.  Or use your own 'debug' 
variable to skip them without fussing with the '-O' startup flags and 
.pyo files (See Using Python/Command line arguments).

Terry Jan Reedy

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