Create a short way to save typing script over and over....

Bruno Desthuilliers bdesth.quelquechose at
Thu Aug 7 16:27:09 EDT 2008

frankrentef a écrit :
> I have a statement "url = 'http://xyzserver/'"  so in my code every
> time I need to use xyzserver I state "url +...."
> What I' m now trying to do is create a call to a login process.  The
> script for the login process is below.  I'd like to call "adminlogin"
> and not have to keep entering the same several lines of script each
> and everytime (I'm testing various login functions and rule changes.)
> I'm a newbie, can someone walk me through this?

I guess there's a section about functions somewhere in the tutorial ?

> #Login to ISeDeposit Admin
> ie.navigate (url + 'isweb/admin/default.aspx')
> ie.textBoxSet ('AdminLogin1:Username','Admin')
> ie.textBoxSet ('AdminLogin1:inputPassword','Password')
> ie.buttonClick ('AdminLogin1:btnLogin')

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