list/tuple/dict question

gundlach gundlach at
Mon Aug 18 10:02:20 EDT 2008

Hi Bruce,

I think I get what you're asking for -- you want to actually end up
with a local variable 'cat' which points to an empty list, so that you
can then do


or whatever.

The problem with the last line of this code (based on your attempt):

foo[0] = []

is that Python doesn't evaluate the left hand side of an assignment to
figure out what variable name you want.  foo[0] doesn't get replaced
with 'cat' as the variable name.  Instead, Python sees this line of
code as a request to store an empty list as the 0th item in the foo

In C or C++, what you want to do is impossible.  However, in Python,
there's a way to specify the name of a local variable at runtime:

locals()['cat'] = []

locals() is a function call that returns a dictionary mapping all
local variable names to their values.  Just like "foo[0] = []" above
will store an empty list into the 0th item in foo, "locals()['cat'] =
[]" will store an empty list in the 'cat' entry in the locals

Once you've done that, you can then refer to the variable cat as



Note that you can also *read* the value of a local variable using the
locals dictionary:


will return a list.  Trying to access an entry in the locals
dictionary that isn't defined will raise an exception, much like if
your code tried to access a variable that didn't exist.

And finally, you can also create a global variable -- one that, even
though it's defined from within a function, will be accessible
anywhere in the module -- by using the globals() dictionary instead.

Hope this helps, and good luck --

On Aug 18, 3:32 am, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
42.desthuilli... at websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
> bruce a écrit :
> > hi guys/gals...
> > got a basic question that i can't get my hands around.
> > i'm trying to programatically create/use a list/tuple (or whatever the right
> > phrase in pyton is!!)
> > basically, something like:
> >  foo = []
> >  foo.append('cat')
> >  foo.append('dog')
> >  foo[1] = [] (and in this case, i really want to have a list called 'cat' to
> > be created!!)
> This doesn't "create a list called 'cat', it replaces the second element
>   (remember, sequences are zero-based) of list 'foo' with an empty list.
> > when i've tried this, i don't get a list called 'cat', instead (as i
> > expected) the foo[1] is now a [] (list))
> > so foo is now
> >  ['cat', [] ]
> Indeed.
> > ultimatelly , i want to be able to dynamically create a number of lists that
> > i name/create/manipulate on the fly, within the test app.
> > ie, be able to then create a list/array cat = ['a','b','c',....]
> > a dict doesn't seem to work, as it is essentially a series of key/values,
> > which isn't exactly what i want...
> Why do you think it's not what you want ?
> lists = dict()
> lists['cat'] = []
> lists['cat'].extend(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
> > thoughts/comments/code samples would be reatly appreciated.
> Please provide more informations about your use case.

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