Manipulating Python Source

Wilson PaulAlexWilson at
Tue Aug 12 10:35:08 EDT 2008


I'm wondering if there are any tools available or simple methods for
taking a python source file and parsing into some hierarchical format,
like the ConfigParser. I'd like to be able to do something like the

""" This is an example """

class MyClass(ParentA, ParentB):
    def some_func(self, foo, bar):
         self.baz = "batman"

class MyClass2(object):
    """ This is an example class """
    def __init__(self):
         self.a = "Blablabla"

And from the interpreter:

>>> import magicalParser
>>> parsed = magicalParser.parse(
>>> parsed.getClasses()
["MyClass", "MyClass2"]
>>> parsed.docString
" This is an example "
>>> parsed.removeClass("MyClass2")
>>> parsed.getClasses()
>>> parsed.MyClass.getFuncs()
>>> parsed.MyClass.some_func.addParam("baz")
>>> parsed.printSource()
""" This is an example """

class MyClass(ParentA, ParentB):
    def some_func(self, foo, bar, baz):
         self.baz = "batman"
>>> exit()

Or something that would yield the above effect. Any ideas?


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