Global var access in imported modules?

RgeeK Ross at no.thanks.spammers
Wed Aug 27 16:21:03 EDT 2008

I have a main module and another module  At the 
start of I call


Then I also proceed to initiallize some global variables

sName = ""

Then I create a class, some methods etc.  In one of the methods I assign
a value to my variable sName.  Then I call a function from within
my file:


Within my file, I define the makeOne function. But I want to 
use that same global variable "sName"  In I have tried to 
indicate that I'm using the global "sName" through the statement:

   global sName

But when I go to use the variable it still gives me an error:

   NameError: global name 'sName' is not defined

I thought perhaps I need to indicate 'globality' in my main module, so 
before I initiallized sName in I added:

global sName

But it doesn't help me.   I had this issue before and resolved it by 
declaring the variable global in the sub-module, but then I 
needed to reference it in my main module with a prefix:

  utility.sName = ""

It's more verbose,and defining globals in a submodule seems backward.
But also, what if I need to access "sName" in another imported module, 
say ""?   I would do my "import otherstuff" call in my main 
module, but would I have to put an "import utility" into the file?

Is there some way I can define globals in my main module, and have them 
accessible in all my imported submodule?

As you can see I'm a little unsure about the global handling in a 
multi-module environment. Any suggestions appreciated. I've read but it hasn't enlightened me on 
this one.

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