wxPython beginners problem

Ivan Reborin ireborin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 12:31:16 EDT 2008

Hello all,

I'm new to python, new as newbies get, so please, don't take wrongly
if this seems like a stupid or overly simple question.

I'm going through examples in a book I have ("Beginning python", by
Hetland Marcus) and I just started doing wxPython examples.

But every sample I try, for example:

import wx
app = wx.App()
win = wx.Frame(None, title="Simple editor")
loadButton = wx.Button(win, label='Open')
saveButton = wx.Button(win, label='Save')

closes too fast. After running in python IDLE just the line
=== restart ===
shows up.

How can I keep the window to "stay alive" so I see what I get ?
I'm on a winxp platform using python 2.5.2. if that matters.

Please, any help, constructive advice and ideas are very much

Best regards
Ivan Reborin

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