Python + Some sort of Propel + Creole

Samuel Morhaim samuel.morhaim at
Tue Aug 12 18:18:43 EDT 2008

Hi, I come from an extensive background developing webapps with Symfony...
Symfony uses Propel/Creole a lot.

Is there something similar to Propel/Creole for Python?

I found a few DB abstraction layers (Creole) but I am not sure which one is
the best..  can somebody point me to a good one? Also can somebody point me
to a good
object relational mapper? (Like Doctrine or Propel for php.. ?  )

I am really just interested in:
-Being able to talk to  sqlite, mysql and mssql.
-Being able to easily create DB schemas (Like done with propel in which you
use a YAML or XML file to specify a schema)

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