How smart is the Python interpreter?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Fri Aug 1 00:00:36 EDT 2008

ssecorp wrote:
> def str_sort(string):
> 	s = ""
> 	for a in sorted(string):
> 		s+=a
> 	return s
> if i instead do:
> def str_sort(string):
> 	s = ""
>         so = sorted(string)
> 	for a in so:
> 		s+=a
> 	return s
> will that be faster or the interpreter can figure out that it only has
> to do sorted(string) once? or that kind of cleverness is usually
> reserved for compilers and not interpreters?

The optimizations performed by a Python interpreter and where they are 
performed depend on the implementation and version.  CPython is 
conservative about optimizations.  Not only do the developers want to be 
sure they are 100% correct (unlike too many optimizing compilers), but 
Guido also rejects some that are too tricky and too fragile (easily 
broken by new maintainers).  In Python 3.0, here are two compiler 

 >>> from dis import dis
 >>> def f(): return 1+2

 >>> dis(f)
   1           0 LOAD_CONST               3 (3)
               3 RETURN_VALUE

# constant arithmetic (folding); done with floats also

 >>> def f():
	a,b = 1,2
	return a+b

 >>> dis(f)
   2           0 LOAD_CONST               3 ((1, 2))
               3 UNPACK_SEQUENCE          2
               6 STORE_FAST               0 (a)
               9 STORE_FAST               1 (b)

   3          12 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              15 LOAD_FAST                1 (b)
              18 BINARY_ADD
              19 RETURN_VALUE

# tuples with constant members are pre-built by the compiler and stored
in the code object.  What you don't see (if it is still there) is an 
optimization in the interpreter loop for BINARY_ADD that takes a 
shortcut if both operands are ints.


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