Zope/DTML Infuriating...

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Tue Apr 29 09:16:33 EDT 2008

Jens schrieb:
> Hello Everyone.
> I am relatively new to Zope(using it for a work project) and I was
> wondering if someone here could help me out or at least refer me to a
> decent documentationg for Zope/DTML/Python (at the detail level of
> php.net or Java API reference).  http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/
> isn't really detailed enough for my taste. if it doesn't contain a
> exhautive description of all available base classes it's simply no
> good as a reference resource.

Are you forced to use DTML for the job? ZPT are far superior and easier
to work with, if you have to output HTML.


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