Understanding bmp image files

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Wed Apr 2 15:22:24 EDT 2008

"pranav" <pranny at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:2537c458-b4d5-480d-8407-168a2b59a27e at u10g2000prn.googlegroups.com...
| Hello,
| I want to read a BMP file, do some processing and then write it in a
| new file. The problem is in the third step. For reading the file, i
| have converted the file into decimal numbers, representing the pixel
| values. Then i perform calculations on those decimal numbers. Now i am
| unable to convert those into the format as required by the "bmp" file.
| Any one, who is into image reading/manipulation, please help.

I would look into PIL, PyGame, and Numeric/Numpy.

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