py3k s***s

Michael Torrie torriem at
Thu Apr 17 12:27:29 EDT 2008

Aaron Watters wrote:
> What I'm saying is that, for example, there are a lot
> of cool tools out there for using Python to manipulate
> postscript and latex and such.  Most of those tools
> require no maintenance, and the authors are not paying
> any attention to them, and they aren't interested in
> messing with them anymore.

What makes you think these tools are all going to mysteriously stop
working?  Python 2.x will be around for a long, long time.  Currently
there are still Python 1.5 apps that are still in use and circulation
and, with Python 1.5 installed, still work fine.  The same for Python
2.x.  Honestly I don't understand all this FUD over the move to Python
3.x  Those that want/need to migrate will.  Others won't have to.
What's the big deal?

Further, 90% of these little, finished utilities are pure python, and so
converting them to Python 3.x is a trivial mechanical conversion if the
maintainer cared.

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