Module Conflicts

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Fri Apr 11 00:05:52 EDT 2008

En Thu, 10 Apr 2008 17:41:29 -0300, Ivan Illarionov  
<ivan.illarionov at> escribió:
> On Apr 11, 12:31 am, Ivan Illarionov <ivan.illario... at>
> wrote:
>> On Apr 10, 2:33 am, Jose <jfgome... at> wrote:
>> > I have a module named in a package with some class
>> > definitions.  I am trying to import the standard python math module
>> > inside of but It seems to be importing itself.  Is there any
>> > way around this problem without renaming my file?
>> Yes, if you are using Python 2.5
>> from __future__ import absolute_import
>> after this `import math` will always import standard math module and
>> `from . import math` will import your module.
> And it's relatively easy to do in earlier versions too:
> create subdirectory `stdmath` with one `` file with one
> line `import math` and than use `from stdmath import math`.

Ah, thanks, it seems that the idea can be extended to almost all the  
standard library.
Create a directory "stdlib" somewhere on sys.path, with a single file containing this single line:


Now, `import stdlib.gzip` will import the standard gzip module, even if  
there is a in the current directory or in some other place along  
That is, we have made a package out of the standard library.
Unfortunately it doesn't work for math as-is because math is a builtin  
module (at least on Windows), but this should work for all other "normal"  
Python-level modules.
(It's a hack, and I would never use this on production code, but it may be  
useful sometimes)

Gabriel Genellina

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