Request a short code review

John Machin sjmachin at
Thu Apr 17 19:00:45 EDT 2008

james at wrote:
>> I am not necessarily looking to make the code shorter or more
>> functional or anything in particular.  However if you spot something
>> to improve then I am happy to learn.
> To give an example of what I mean I have already altered the code:
> def output_random_lesson_of_type(self, type=None):
>     """Output a lesson of a specific type.
>        If no type is passed in then output any type."""

"any" type? Perhaps you mean all types.

>     output_lessons = self.lesson_data["lessons"]
>     if type:
>         filtered_lessons = filter(lambda x: x["type"] == type,
>             self.lesson_data["lessons"])

filter/map/reduce/lambda is not to everyone's taste; consider using a 
list comprehension:

filtered_lessons = [x for x in self.lesson_data["lessons"] if x["type"] 
== type]

Now you need to go up a level ... when you find yourself using 
dictionaries with constant string keys that are words, it's time to 
consider whether you should really be using classes:

filtered_lessons = [x for x in self.lesson_data.lessons if x.type == type]

>         if filtered_lessons:
>             output_lessons = filtered_lessons
>         else:
>             print "Unable to find lessons of type %s." % type

So the error action is to print a vague message on stdout and choose 
from all lessons?

>     return self.output_random(output_lessons)
> Changes:
>  - Respected a column width of 80

If you really care about people who are still using green-screen 
terminals or emulations thereof, make it < 80 -- some (most? all?) 
terminals will produce an annoying blank line if the text is exactly 80 
bytes long.

>  - Created the output_lessons variable, assigned it to a default.
>    This remove an else statement and reduced the call to
>    self.output_random to a single instance in the return statement

... and also makes folk who are interested in what happens in the 
error(?) case read backwards to see what lessons will be used.



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