
Diez B. Roggisch deets at nospam.web.de
Mon Apr 7 05:11:58 EDT 2008

mr.enx at alice.it wrote:

> sorry, i'm new with Python.
>  I must do interaction beetween Python and Ldap, and I  don't know how
> do this.
> Searching on the web I know that exists PythonLdap, but I dont'know if
> this is best choise or not.

Who cares? Use it, and see if it's good enough for your needs. Then, if not,
see if alternatives are better.

There seldomly is "the best" if there are several options, because the
details and quirks of various solutions might appeal to one and repulse
someone else. But nobody is going to know what *you* like best.


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