How to find documentation about methods etc. for iterators

Arnaud Delobelle arnodel at
Wed Apr 9 12:18:44 EDT 2008

On Apr 9, 5:05 pm, tinn... at wrote:
> I'm not sure if I have even phrased that right but anyway....
> How does one find (in the standard Python documentation) information
> about things like the iteritems() method and the enumerate() function.
> They are mentioned in the tutorial as ways of getting more information
> as you loop through an object but there seems to be no easy way to
> find the definitive documentation of these sorts of methods and
> functions.  OK, if I know the name before I start I can probably find
> what I want, but what if I want to know how to extract some
> information from an object as I loop and don't know what I want is
> called?
> My particular quest that raised this was a way to get the line number
> as I iterate through the lines of a file:-
>     f = open(fn, 'r')
>     lineNo = 0
>         for ln in f:
>             lineNo += 1
> Is there a neater way of getting that line number as I go?  If so how
> am I meant to find out about it?

There is a neater way, and you mention it in your question:

f = open('myfile')

for lineno, line in enumerate(f):
    # Do stuff

How to find out about it?  I suppose you need to get familiar with
python iterators/iterables and the functions to manipulate them.  How
to do that depends on your prior experience with such concepts.
Unfortunately I am not able to provide you with a good link :(


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