ANN: pry unit testing framework

Roy Smith roy at
Sun Apr 6 22:46:14 EDT 2008

In article <mailman.2958.1207535626.9267.python-list at>,
 Aldo Cortesi <aldo at> wrote:

> I should also note that converting from unittest to Pry is quite simple
> - Pry's test structure is a superset of unittest's, and AutoTree was
> explicitly written to make "unittest-style" testing possible, meaning
> that no _structural_ change is needed for conversion. The most onerous
> part is converting to assertion-based testing, something that will
> improve the clarity and readability of your tests anyway.

I've been following this thread for a while with a mix of amusement and 
alarm.  Contributing code to the community is a good thing, and should be 
celebrated.  If people like it, they will use it.  If they don't, it will 
be ignored.  None of which justifies the hostility this thread seems to 
have degenerated into.

In any case, I don't understand why you say that unittest doesn't use 
"assertion-based testing".  They seem like assertions to me.  What am I 

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