Newbie question about range() structure

sp@k spocksplanet at
Thu Apr 17 04:30:50 EDT 2008

Hi there,

I'm new to Python and I've been writing a rudimentary exercise in
Deitel's Python: How to Program, and I found that this code exhibits a
weird behavior. When I run the script, the for...range(1,11) structure
always starts with zero--and I've tried plugging other values as well!
>From the Python commandline, though, this structure produces a normal
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 output. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong

input = raw_input("Please enter a value you wish to factorialize:")

def fact(n):
	total = 0
	n = int(n)
	while n > 0:
		total *= n
		n -=1
	return total

print "%d" % fact(input)

e = 1
for val in range(1,11):
	if val == 0:
		e += 1/fact(val)

print "Where n is 10, e = %d\n\n" % e

e2 = 1
input = raw_input("Enter x:")

for val in range(1,11):
	if val == 0:
		e2 += (float(input) ** val)/(fact(val))

print "Where the n is 10, e**x = %d\n\n" %e

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