Calling Python code from inside php

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Fri Apr 25 09:29:49 EDT 2008

Nick Stinemates schrieb:
>> While I certainly prefer to use Python wherever I can, that does not mean 
>> that there aren't cases where legacy systems or other constraints make this 
>> impossible. If I have e.g. a type3-based website - "how on earth" should I 
>> replace that with Python (without wasting a lot of time)?
> I don't understand how the 2 are mutually exclusive?
> You can have PHP and Python bindings installed on the same Apache
> server, unless I'm mistaken?

What about having to set up & maintain (which might not even possible on 
a cheap hoster) two configs for that - just for having a few lines of 
python being run? And how do you go about session-state sharing and so 
forth? After all the scipt might need to be access controlled based on 
login state.

I don't say that there aren't options to run python more direct. I 
argumented against a rather bold statement of Mr. alexelder:

A simple yet dangerous and rather rubbish solution (possibly more of a
hack than a real implementation) could be achieved by using a
technique described above:


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