Can't do a multiline assignment!

s0suk3 at s0suk3 at
Thu Apr 17 12:19:32 EDT 2008

On Apr 17, 10:54 am, colas.fran... at wrote:
> On 17 avr, 17:40, s0s... at wrote:
> Out of sheer curiosity, why do you need thirty (hand-specified and
> dutifully commented) names to the same constant object if you know
> there will always be only one object?

I'm building a web server. The many variables are names of header
fields. One part of the code looks like this (or at least I'd like it

class RequestHeadersManager:

    # General header fields
    Cache_Control               = \
    Connection                  = \
    Date                        = \
    Pragma                      = \
    Trailer                     = \
    Transfer_Encoding           = \
    Upgrade                     = \
    Via                         = \
    Warning                     = \

    # Request header fields
    Accept                      = \
    Accept_Charset              = \
    Accept_Encoding             = \
    Accept_Language             = \
    Authorization               = \

Etc etc etc. At the end they'll all be assign to None. Then, when
initialized, __init__() will the the string of headers, parse them,
and use those variables shown above to assign to the header values. Of
course a normal request won't include all of those headers, so the
others will remain None. That's what I want.

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