str class inheritance prob?

Hamish McKenzie hamish at
Wed Apr 16 14:35:44 EDT 2008

so I'm trying to create a class that inherits from str, but I want to
run some code on the value on object init.  this is what I have:



class Path(str):

            def __init__( self, path ):

                        clean = str(path).replace('\\','/')

                        while clean.find('//') != -1:

                                    clean = clean.replace('//','/')


                        print 'cleaned on init:\t',clean

                        self = clean



so clearly the clean variable is what I want value of the string to be,
but that's decidedly not the case.  so running this:



print a



gives me this:


cleaned on init:  path/with/nasty/crap_in_it/




what gives?  what am I doing wrong, and can I do what I'm trying to


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