"Help needed - I don't understand how Python manages memory"

Hank @ITGroup hank.infotec at gmail.com
Sun Apr 20 15:09:05 EDT 2008

Steve Holden wrote:
> You are suffering from a pathological condition yourself: the desire 
> to optimize performance in an area where you do not have any problems. 
> I would suggest you just enjoy using Python and then start to ask 
> these questions again when you have a real issue that's stopping you 
> from getting real work done.
> regards
>  Steve
Hi, Steve,
This not simply a pathological condition. My people are keeping trying 
many ways to have job done, and the memory problem became the focus we 
are paying attention on at this moment.
Could you please give us some clear clues to obviously call python to 
free memory. We want to control its gc operation handily as we were 
using J**A.

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