SWIG Python undefined reference

Soren soren.skou.nielsen at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 05:07:04 EDT 2008


I went through the SWIG tutorial for the example named "simple".

I managed to get to the first step, creating example_wrap.c using
swig, and doing:
"gcc -fpic -c example_wrap.c -IC:\python24\include " to create

But when I needed to compile the library file using:
"gcc -shared example_wrap.o -o examplemodule.so" I received a lot of
undefined reference compiler errors like:

example_wrap.o(.text+0x35a5):example_wrap.c: undefined reference to

there are many other similar errors all prefaced with _imp__Py, so I
am assuming there is a linker error with the python libraries. I have
adjusted my PATH variable to include all the python directories (libs/

Does anyone here have any suggestions?


#include <time.h>
double My_variable = 3.0;

int fact(int n) {
if (n <= 1) return 1;
else return n*fact(n-1);

int my_mod(int x, int y) {
return (x%y);

char *get_time()
time_t ltime;
return ctime(&ltime);

%module example
/* Put header files here or function declarations like below */
extern double My_variable;
extern int fact(int n);
extern int my_mod(int x, int y);
extern char *get_time();

extern double My_variable;
extern int fact(int n);
extern int my_mod(int x, int y);
extern char *get_time();

from distutils.core import setup, Extension

version = '1.0',
Extension('example', ['example.c', 'example.i'])

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