pop langs website ranking

xahlee at gmail.com xahlee at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 17:41:33 EDT 2008

In February, i spent few hours researching the popularity of some
computer language websites.

(The message can be found here:


In that post, one question i puzzeled over is why PaulGraham.com's
traffic is surprisingly high, since the site doesn't seems to host
forums, computer lang documentation, or wiki type of thing, yet it is
ranked higher than perl.com, which actually host online forum, faq,
documentation, news etc. I wrote:

paulgraham.com    48153  (lisp bigwig, but huh?)
Perl.com          49104
xahlee.org        80060   ← Me!

Compared to xahlee.org, it's a ranking difference about 32 thousand!

Today, while checking the web ranking site alexa.com, they seems to
have updated their ranking algorithm to be more fair, as opposed
basing it solely on a browser toolbar that users install.

So i went over to my essay and checked the ranking again of sites i
reported. I have spent only about 20 min to cursorily go thru the
sites i reported before. It appears that, in general, the order of
sites that i listed ROUGHLY remains unperturbed, but the specific
ranking ordinal has changed rather significantly. However, there's a
big surprise.

My website is now actually ranked higher than PaulGraham.com !

LOL. Paul Graham? Bah humbug. Painters == Hackers? Fuck ya ass. Arc?
Eat shit and die.

PS: not having no confidence of myself, but i note that xahlee.org is
now marginally ranked higher than perl.com and perl.org, both of which
host forum/blog/wiki, news, docs, etc., while my website don't do any
of these and is all static html pages.
For those unflagging, alternative web ranking site is http://ww.quantcast.com/
I'll be doing some research sometimes soon on this.

  xah at xahlee.orghttp://xahlee.org/

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