Minor documentation bug

Frank Millman frank at chagford.com
Tue Sep 11 09:48:10 EDT 2007

Hi all

I spotted a minor bug in the documentation to SimpleXMLRPCServer. It
does not seem worth getting a login to the bugtracker just to enter
this, so if it is confirmed as a bug perhaps someone would be so kind
as to enter it for me.


    xmlrpclib.py has the following -

    # This class is available as ServerProxy and Server.  New code
    # use ServerProxy, to avoid confusion.
    class ServerProxy:
    Server = ServerProxy

The bug:

    Section 18.25.1 SimpleXMLRPCServer Objects
    The following client code will call the methods made available by
the preceding server:

    import xmlrpclib

    s = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:8000')

It should say:

    s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8000')

As I said, it is minor, but it had me confused for a couple of
minutes, as there is no class called Server in the documentation for
xmlrpclib itself.

It present in the 2.5 and the 2.6 docs.


Frank Millman

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